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What to do about tired eyes?

What to do about tired eyes?

How to get tired eyes fit again

Around three out of four people from industrialized countries suffer from tired eyes when working in the office. This is especially true in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The reason for this is that the eyes have to work harder when the focus is on the screen for longer periods of time.

In addition, when working on the PC, people focus on one point and forget to blink. The reduced blinking frequency results in dry eyes. This phenomenon even has its own name: office eye syndrome.

Tired and dry eyes in combination? Really nasty! You probably know this problem too. For example, after a long gaming session on the console. After some time in front of the TV. Or after a lot of work on the PC. Then your eyes start to burn. Concentration becomes difficult. Sometimes there is even a foreign body sensation in the eye and the eyes become red. You can do without all that, right?

The good news is that you don't have to live with the phenomenon of tired eyes. There are ways to counteract eye irritation. There are also effective tools to protect your eyes in everyday life. In this article, you'll find out what they are. Plus, you'll get helpful tips on how to combat tired eyes right away.

How do tired eyes manifest themselves?

Eye reddened and overloaded

Every person is different. And so are the symptoms of tired eyes at the PC. But there are signs of strained eyes that are particularly common. What are they? Find out now.

  1. Dryness: A lot of work on the screen = less blinking. Less blinking = lack of adequate moistening. The result: Your eyes feel dry and irritated.
  2. Redness: Once it gets to the point where your eyes are already strained, redness of the eyeballs often occurs.
  3. Blurred vision: After a long time on screen, you may experience temporary blurred vision. You may also have difficulty focusing on objects.
  4. Burning or stinging sensation: an uncomfortable burning or stinging sensation is another common symptom of tired eyes and office eye syndrome.
  5. Light sensitivity: If your eyes become tired, you often notice increased discomfort in bright light or sunlight.
  6. Heavy eyelid feeling: After several hours at the screen, your eyelids may feel heavy and tired. Keeping your eyes open is difficult.
  7. Headaches: Overtired eyes can lead to headaches or even migraines.
  8. Teary eyes: Paradoxically, tired eyes can also cause the eyes to start tearing.
  9. Difficulty focusing: It can be difficult for you to switch between different distances and lighting conditions.
  10. Eye twitching: An involuntary twitching of the eye muscles can be a sign of overexertion.

Maybe you have already noticed one (or even more) of these symptoms? Then you should urgently do something about it. Here are some helpful tips against tired eyes.

Important: If you have persistent or severe symptoms, you should consult an ophthalmologist or other qualified physician. The symptoms could be a sign of a more serious condition or underlying problem that requires professional treatment.

How do I get my eyes awake?

The feeling of tired or heavy eyes can have various causes. We know the problems too well after long office work. But lack of sleep and general fatigue can also cause tired eyes. Whatever the causes of tired eyes are for you - here are some tips on how to get your eyes "more awake":

Tired and dry eyes: immediate measures

  1. Cold water: a splash of cold water on the face can stimulate blood circulation and revitalize the eye area.
  2. Eye exercises: Short exercises like rolling your eyes or focusing at different distances can help.
  3. Take short breaks: if you're working at a screen for a long time, follow the 20-20-20 rule: look at something 20 feet (about 6 meters) away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
  4. Blink: Don't forget to blink, especially when you're working at the computer. This will keep your eyes moist.
  5. Drink enough water: It may sound banal. But the fact is: liquid helps against dry eyes. Not only in the form of eye drops. But also in the form of water that you take in. Declare war on dehydration and make sure you drink enough fluids at work.
  6. Healthy diet: Foods rich in vitamins such as A, C and E can contribute to eye health.

Tired eyes: long-term measures

  1. Get enough sleep: One of the best ways to avoid tired eyes is to get adequate and quality sleep.
  2. Ergonomic workstation: Make sure your screen is at eye level and that you adopt an appropriate posture.
  3. Regular eye checks: An ophthalmologist can give specific advice and detect possible vision problems early.

If the feeling of tired eyes persists for a long period of time or you notice other symptoms such as pain, blurred vision or dryness, you should see an eye doctor.

What can I do about tired eyes and eye pain at the screen?

If your tired eyes are the result of long screen work, you can take specific prophylactic measures.

Screen settings

Adjust monitor to be easy on the eyes

  1. Screen brightness and contrast: Adjust the brightness and contrast of your screen so that your eyes are not strained. Ideally, you should adjust brightness, contrast and blue light as low as possible.
  2. Text size: Increase the font size to reduce eye strain. This can be done in any text program or directly in your browser.

Ergonomics of the workplace

  1. Screen position: The screen should be at eye level. Ideally, you should sit about 50 to 70 cm away from it.
  2. Lighting: Avoid bright light and glare on the screen. But don't sit in a completely dark room either. An additional light source in a suitable light color can help.

Hydrogenation and humidity

  1. Drinking: Make sure to drink enough water.
  2. Room air: A humidifier can help if the air is particularly dry.
  3. Artificial tears: Wetting solutions can help to keep the eyes moist. You can get artificial tears in any German pharmacy or drugstore.

Blue light filters and special glasses

Blue light content of various devices and illuminants

Currently,"it cannot be ruled out that the retina and the lens of the human eye can be damaged by an excess of blue light". And what is the saying? Better safe than sorry. Now you're probably wondering what you can do about the blue light from your PC or smartphone screen.

The solution is blue light filters. For example, in the form of special glasses.

How do Blueblocker glasses help with fatigue at work?

Blueblocker glasses workplace

Blueblocker glasses, or blue light filter glasses, are specifically designed to filter or reduce the blue light emitted from screens such as computers, tablets and smartphones. Here's the kicker: When you wear blueblocker glasses at work, you're preventing eye problems. In other words, you're taking action before your eyes get tired and dry. And you won't have to deal with the annoying symptoms of eyestrain.

The idea behind the glasses: Since blue light could potentially be harmful to the eyes and contribute to a number of ailments like computer vision syndrome, we simply filter it out of our lives. And that can bring many benefits.

Reduction of eye strain and fatigue

Blueblocker glasses filter blue light

Filtering blue light can help make eyes less tired. This could increase productivity and reduce the need for breaks or eye exercises.

Sleep improvement

Blue light is associated with the suppression of the sleep hormone melatonin. So wearing blue light filter glasses could lead to better sleep quality, which in turn can improve overall performance and well-being.

Reduction of headaches and eye pain

Reducing eye strain and fatigue could also alleviate headaches and eye pain caused by working at a computer screen for long periods of time.

Glare reduction

Many Blueblocker glasses have an anti-reflective coating that reduces glare. This can improve the visual experience at work and provide additional comfort.

Improvement of visual comfort

For some people, filtering blue light results in a more comfortable visual experience, making computer work less stressful.

Blueblocker glasses for tired and dry eyes

Workstation Blueblocker glasses

For longer work at the screen, we have newly developed the Blueblocker glasses in the light version for you. Our previously available Blueblocker glasses were specifically designed for use in the evening - two to four hours before bedtime. The light version can be worn throughout the day.

The light version is aimed at all those who work a lot on the PC. Or otherwise spend a long time in front of the screen. It reduces some of the blue light. This means it doesn't make you tired. At the same time, it ensures that significantly less blue light reaches your retina.

Our Work & Play glasses are ideal for you if you work a lot in front of a screen during the day. Or even if you're a streamer and gamer. Our Lite Blueblocker glasses will be available in our online store from mid-November.

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