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Adjust screen to be easy on the eyes

Adjust screen to be easy on the eyes3 tips for a monitor that does not strain the eyes

As a screen worker, you sit at your PC for several hours every day. And that's not enough screen time. You also use smartphones and tablets in your private life. This means that your eyes are in contact with screens for half of the day. Whether it's the computer monitor. The television. Or mobile devices.

It is well known that this is not good for the eye in the long run. But why is that? Among other things, the blue light emitted by the monitors is to blame.

Light spectrum of different devices and illuminants

What is the solution to this dilemma? Do without screen work and smartphones altogether? That can't be it!

But there are several solutions. One of them is to set the screen so that it is easy on the eyes. In this article, you'll learn how to do that. And on top of that, you'll get two more tips for eye-friendly work.

Why is blue light harmful to my eyes?

Blue light can be harmful to the eyes because it has a short wavelength. Compared to other colors of the light spectrum, blue light penetrates deeper into the eye and can reach the retina.

The light spectrum visible to humans

As a result, prolonged exposure to blue light from monitors, smartphones, tablets or other electronic devices can lead to eye strain. This often manifests itself in symptoms such as dry eyes, eye irritation, blurred vision, headaches and fatigue.

In addition, blue light can also have long-term effects on eye health. Studies have shown that excessive exposure to blue light can increase the risk of developing macular degeneration. This is a condition that can lead to loss of central vision.

It is also suspected that blue light can disrupt the sleep-wake cycle by affecting the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

It is important to note that not all blue light rays are harmful. Natural blue light from the sun is important for our body as it regulates the sleep-wake rhythm and influences mood. Problems only arise when we are exposed to excessive artificial blue light. Especially in the evening hours, when our body should be prepared for rest and sleep.

Luckily, there are a few simple tricks you can use to reduce blue light exposure. One of them is to adjust the screen directly on the corresponding device to be easy on the eyes.

How do I adjust my screen to be easy on the eyes?

There are several ways you can adjust your screen to be easy on the eyes:

  1. Adjust brightness: Adjust the brightness of your screen so that it is comfortable for your eyes. The brightness should be neither too bright nor too dark.
  2. Adjust contrast: Adjust the contrast of your screen so that text and images are clearly visible without looking too bright or pale.
  3. Adjust color temperature: Many monitors offer the ability to adjust the color temperature. A warmer color temperature can help reduce eye strain.
  4. Adjust text size: Adjust the text size on your screen so that you can read the text easily without straining your eyes.
  5. Adjust screen position: Make sure the screen is in an ergonomic position. The top edge of the screen should be at eye level to minimize neck and eye strain.
  6. Use blue light filter: Some screens and operating systems offer the option to turn on a blue light filter. Blue light filters reduce the amount of blue light emitted by screens and can help protect your eyes.

Why should I set my screen to be easy on the eyes?

Energetic blue light

Now you know: blue screen light can damage your eyes in the long run. But not only that. There are a few reasons why you should set the light on your screens to be easy on your eyes.

  1. Reducing eye strain: An incorrectly adjusted screen can cause eye strain. The symptoms: dry eyes, fatigue, headaches and blurred vision. You can minimize or even prevent these symptoms altogether by using an eye-friendly setting.
  2. Avoid long-term eye damage: Working in front of a screen for long periods of time can have long-term effects on your eyes, such as the development of nearsightedness. An eye-friendly attitude can help minimize these risks and keep your eyes healthy.
  3. Improve productivity: Setting your screen to be easy on your eyes may help you work longer and more efficiently. Super. That means more productivity. And tasks go much more easily.
  4. Better readability: An eye-friendly setting ensures better readability of texts and graphics on the screen. This has two advantages for you: You don't have to focus so hard on the screen - your eyes will thank you for that. At the same time, you improve your reading speed and accuracy.
  5. Protection from blue light: Blue light emitted by screens can strain the eyes and disturb the sleep-wake rhythm. An eye-friendly setting can reduce the amount of blue light and thus protect your eyes and your sleep.

So much for the benefits of setting the screen to be easy on the eyes. But there's more. Have you ever heard of eye-friendly software? Some of them are even available for free. Here are our two favorites.

Easy on the eyes: blue light filter software

Iris: Eye-friendly software by subscription

Iris Software

Iris is a software* developed to reduce eye strain when using screens and to improve the user's well-being. It was developed by the company IrisTech and offers a variety of functions to adjust screen settings to individual needs.

One of the main functions of Iris is the reduction of blue light.

Iris allows you to adjust the amount of blue light on the screen to reduce eye strain.

In addition, Iris also offers features to adjust the brightness and contrast of the screen. By being able to adjust these settings, you can ensure that the screen is optimally legible and that your eyes are not strained. Especially if you spend a lot of time reading text or looking at graphics on the screen.

Another useful feature of Iris is the so-called color temperature mode. This mode allows you to adjust the color temperature of the screen for a more comfortable viewing experience that is easier on the eyes. By adjusting the color temperature, Iris can help reduce eye fatigue and improve the overall viewing experience.

In addition to these features, Iris also offers a pause reminder. 'Excuse me? I can tell,' you might be thinking. But it's actually not like that. Most of the time, we're so in work mode that we forget to take breaks. Or even to blink!

This feature reminds you to take regular breaks and relax your eyes. This can reduce the risk of long-term eye damage and chronic eye dryness.

*Use our partner link to get 10% discount

Free for PC and Mac: f.lux

f.lux software

The f.lux software is a useful tool designed to reduce eye strain caused by screen light. It automatically adjusts the color temperature of the screen to the time of day for a more comfortable viewing experience.

Most screens emit a cool, blue light similar to natural sunlight. However, this light can cause eye strain, especially when we spend long periods of time in front of the screen. f.lux solves this problem by adjusting the color temperature of the screen to the environment.

During the day, f.lux adjusts the screen to a cooler color temperature that corresponds to natural daylight. This helps improve concentration and reduce eye strain. In the evening, when natural light becomes warmer, f.lux adjusts the color temperature of the screen and reduces the amount of blue light. This promotes better sleep and prevents the screen light from disturbing the natural sleep-wake rhythm.

The software is easy to use and can be installed on different operating systems like Windows, Mac and Linux. After installation, you set the desired color temperature and adjustment schedule. f.lux works in the background and adjusts the color temperature automatically without you having to intervene.

This software helps reduce eye strain and improve overall well-being. In addition, f.lux can also be beneficial for people with sleep disorders. By adjusting the blue component according to the amount of daylight, the software can support the natural sleep-wake rhythm.

On f.luxometer you can see how f.lux affects your screen.

We clearly recommend the use of such software. However, if you don't have the possibility to use the software at work, there is a reliable alternative.

Our solution: blue filter glasses for VDU work

Blueblocker Glasses from Lichtblock

Blue filter glasses are an innovative solution for people who spend a lot of time in front of screens. They are designed to reduce the effects of blue light emitted by screens and other electronic devices. These glasses are equipped with special lenses that filter the blue light and thus reduce eye strain.

We have just launched such a pair of glasses: our Work+Play glasses. They are the Lite version of our classic Blueblocker glasses. And the perfect compromise for PC work: Because: The glasses take out almost all of the energy of the blue light. But not all of it. So blue remains recognizable as blue. And your body doesn't get the impression during the day that it's time to go to sleep.

How do the glasses work?

The lenses have a special coating that filters blue light while still allowing other colors to pass through. This means that the visual experience is not impaired and the eyes are still protected from the harmful effects of blue light.

Blue light filter glasses

Blue filter glasses are especially suitable for people who spend a lot of time in front of the screen due to their job. This includes office workers, graphic designers, programmers or gamers. But they can also be relevant for you if you like to surf the Internet a lot in your free time, watch TV or read a lot on your tablet.

Our conclusion: The use of blue filter glasses can help to reduce eye strain, reduce eye fatigue and improve the general well-being during VDU work. In addition, the use of the glasses can help to maintain the natural sleep-wake rhythm and prevent sleep disorders.

Bonus tip: exercises for the eyes

Exercises for the eyes

So, if you have now ordered our new Blueblocker glasses in the Lite version - great. Then you'll soon have a super useful tool in use, which can protect your eyes during heavy screen use. And it can improve the quality of your sleep.

But there is something else you can do for your eyes. Eye exercises. It sounds strange, but it's really helpful.

Here come seven exercises that help reduce eye strain when working on the PC. Don't worry. It won't be sweaty.

  1. Blink: Consciously blink every few minutes to hydrate and relax your eyes.
  2. Focus: Look at an object in the distance for about 20 seconds every 20 minutes to relax your eye muscles.
  3. Eye roll: Close your eyes and slowly roll them clockwise and then counterclockwise. Repeat this a few times.
  4. Near-far focus: Look alternately at an object near you and then at an object far away for a few seconds. Repeat this several times.
  5. Palming: Rub your hands together to warm them. Then gently place them on your closed eyes. Relax for a few seconds and enjoy the darkness.
  6. Eye massage: Gently massage your eyelids with your fingertips in circular motions. Start at the inner corner of the eye and work your way out.
  7. Eye exercises with letters: Write imaginary letters or numbers in the air with your eyes. Start with large letters and then make them smaller and smaller.

The exercises sometimes seem a bit strange. But they all work - and they work immediately. You'll probably notice right away how refreshed your eyes will feel. Also, always remember to take regular breaks, walk a few steps, drink enough and get fresh air. This will not only make your eyes happy, but your entire body.

And one more important piece of advice: always consult an ophthalmologist if eye symptoms persist.

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