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Our company

Through our own health challenges, we have become aware that careless use of artificial light and the associated negative health effects are greatly underestimated. The conscious use of light creates a strong foundation for the development and maintenance of health and vitality.

Our products promote regeneration, well-being and a restful sleep. We place special emphasis on good design, simplicity and functionality.

Our mission

We want to inspire people to discover and use the full potential of light.

Our values




The Lichtblock Founders


I discovered through my own health problems the importance of light for my well-being. After a transformative experience in Mexico, where I lived in harmony with nature without electric light, I began working on ideas to bring this lifestyle home.


The intensive occupation with light and nature changed my view of health. I recognized the influence of my environment on my energy. This experience and the exchange with Daniel inspired me to participate and create awareness at Lichtblock .


When I often had tired and burning eyes due to long screen work, I discovered Blueblocker glasses and their potential for my eye health. The relaxation and protection they offer convinced me - that's why I support Lichtblock.

Our history

When Daniel developed health problems, doctors and medications could not help him. In his search for answers, he came across the incredible potential of light and nature for our health and vitality.

A transformative trip to Mexico led to a profound realization and inspired him to found Lichtblock . Read the full story and discover how the right light at the right time can change your life.

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