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3 reasons to use Blueblocker glasses

In our world, which is full of digital devices, the proportion of blue light sources is increasing. This is particularly fatal for the effect on the eyes, because we look at some of these light sources with particular focus. The consequences of blue light for the eyes range from worsened well-being to risks of premature eye fatigue to premature aging of the eyes and death of retinal cells.

The most common blue light sources are...

  • Television
  • Computer monitors
  • Cell phones, tablets, iPads, etc.
  • Compact fluorescent lamps
  • Fluorescent lamps
  • LED illuminant

In this article we will show you why it is advisable to wear Blueblocker glasses glasses.

Reason 1: You sit in front of a screen for a long time

3 reasons to use Blueblocker glasses - A lot of screen work

A computer workstation has become normal for many of us, especially as the working world goes digital. Efforts to make offices more and more paperless are practical on the one hand, but they leave us with longer periods of time when we have to look at a screen while we work. During the day, we recommend software filters such as f.lux or iris. In the evening, blueblocker glasses will help and protect your eyes from blue light.

Reason 2: You work in shifts

3 reasons to use Blueblocker glasses - shift work especially night shift

For shift workers, on the one hand, it is about the fact that they are exposed to a lot of artificial light, the nighttime working environment is flooded with many artificial light sources, so you should protect yourself from being flooded with artificial light anyway. In addition, Blueblocker glasses help the body to better adjust its day-night rhythm. When we go home in the morning after a night shift, daylight sends a signal to our body that a new day is beginning and it would be better to stay awake. Sleep after a night shift is therefore somewhat less restful. Blueblocker glasses dim the daylight and help us get some rest.

Reason 3: You also like to be on the computer in your free time

3 reasons to use Blueblocker glasses - Computer gaming in the evening (gamer glasses)

In addition to the digitalized world of work, the PC has also become a companion for many of us in our free time. It can happen that you play a game, if necessary, until late in the evening, the blue light of the computer monitor can in turn upset the day-night rhythm, because the body does not yet adjust to bedtime, but rather gets the signal that it should stay awake. For this reason, Blueblocker glasses are also very suitable for "gambling", because they also protect the eyes from overexertion due to long screen times.

More tips to protect your eyes

  • 20-20-20 Rule: When working on a computer screen, take a break every 20 minutes to look at an object 20 feet (6m) away for 20 seconds.
  • Don't sit too close to the screen and limit the time you spend directly in front of it.
  • Regularly check the lighting in your environment. Even though LED lights are energy-saving, you can choose one or another alternative that emits no or less blue light.

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